Your Neighbourhood Place of Hope

4235 Departure Bay Rd, Nanaimo


Please join us every Sunday, at 10 am.

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From the Pastor’s Desk

I love hiking, but sometimes I get turned around. In cities and towns, I've got a pretty good sense of direction. And landmarks fill in any gaps in my knowledge. But take me into the woods, with winding trails, hills and valleys, and I need a map. Without it, I’ve been known to get turned around. In those times, without a map, landmarks or a clear path, I have to experiment. Sometimes it’s a dead end. Other times, it leads to a stunning vista. Always, it has been an adventure that has eventually led me home.

Many years ago, Alan Roxburgh described sharing the gospel in these terms. In our firmly post-Christian, fully secular society, we can’t simply follow a map for how to carry the gospel to others. There isn’t one, because we’ve never been in this situation before. So instead, we listen to the whisper of the Spirit, experiment and see how God leads. It can be scary. It sometimes means dead ends. It often leads to stunning vistas. It always leads back to our home in God.

This is what we’re thinking about as we look at how the Thessalonian Church was started. Read Acts 17:1-9 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. Then, join us online or in-person as we explore how God works in new and unfamiliar settings.

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you,

Pastor Jeremy

Questions for Reflection:

What do you think/ how do you feel about Pastor Jeremy’s sermon?

What were some of the challenges the first Christians faced in Thessalonica?

What are some of the challenges you face because you’re a Christian?

Why do you think the first Christians got a great reputation with new Christians from the surrounding area?

What does this tell you about how you might face your challenges?

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Mission Moment: April 21 2024

In the Kushkak village in Afghanistan, 42-year-old Guljan lived a simple life with her husband and four children until one day in October 2023, when an earthquake struck their village. Guljan lost her husband and 11-year-old son. After the disaster, she encountered significant challenges in getting assistance due to the gender disparities present in her village. However, PWS&D’s partner recognized her needs and provided Guljan’s family with a winterized tent to help endure the harsh weather conditions. PWS&D provided food assistance, as well as other support after the earthquake to help people survive the winter challenges.